Thursday, July 31, 2014

Today's Sorta Kinda Update ... 31 Jul 2014

Well, my life has been all sorts of productive even without the girls around to help.  Still have a ton of stuff that needs to be finished up but I'll get to it when I get to it.  What that has meant is that I haven't gotten the new story additions up.  I'll have them up later tonight and will include them with tomorrow's update.

Mostly typing is painful.  I got bit by a spider - regular ol' spider, not poisonous - and I'm a little sensitive to the bites.  It happened when I was doing some yard work day before yesterday and it is on the inside of my left forearm.  Started out itching like crazy but is now basically just a knot on my arm that is making the muscles in there really sore.  I put a tobacco poultice on it as soon as I noticed so it isn't as bad as it could have been for which I am thankful.  Usually spiders make me a little ill and feverish, same as getting into too many fire ants.

What is that?  Excuse number eleventy-dozen and forty-two?  LOL.  I will get some up tonight, just moving on the slow side.

I did find an interesting link doing some story research that I'd like to pass along.  I was looking for fresh sausage recipes and came across from the website "Hunter Angler Gardener Cook".  Y'all have got to check out some of the recipes there; the pictures alone are worth a peek.

Lastly for tonight I thought I would pass along a video I found while doing some other research for a story.  This is how to make acorn oil:

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Today's Updates - 29 July 2014

Gonna keep today's update short and sweet.  Been busy, busy, busy today including almost a full day spent dealing with computer problems and phone problems.  Part of me really despises how electronically dependent we are, another part of me marvels at how much electronics of all types helps us to accomplish on a daily basis, and the last bit I will admit is always looking for ways to take advantage of electronics to get even more done in a day.  All three bits were frustrated so I didn't accomplish quite as much as I had intended to. 

Without further delay here is what was updated today.  Hope to have a little extra time tonight to work on getting ahead.  Hope springs eternal anyway.

Zombies Aren't Real ... Are They?!

Thornless Garden

Eidetic Sunshine

Up On Hartford Ridge


Enduring on the Lake


Monday, July 28, 2014

Today's Update - 28 July 2014

Whew boy!  Yesterday and today have been quite productive ... just not as productive in the writing area as I had hoped.  Now don't get me wrong, I've got food for the moar zombies, just didn't get as ahead as I had hoped to get.

Why wasn't I generating more feed?  I'm glad you ask.  ROFL!  Basically I was working my tail feathers off in the yard.  Our fence rows had gotten pretty overgrown in places.  Along the sides they are traditional farm fence which has gotten intertwined with saw briars, wild potato vines, scrub oak seedlings, wild and out of control lantana, schefflera, and a bunch of other trash that would eventually pull it over.  Our neighbor on one side loves the "wild look" and that's fine on his side but on ours it is problematic and interfering with my edible landscape plans.  So prune, mow, DR, saws-all, hoe, DR, etc. all got a work out.  To clean things up I also had to take out some sugar cane and Spanish bayonet, and hubby got a little over eager and took out a hedge of tropical flowers and part of a variegated hibiscus but I've stopped complaining ... at least where other people can here me that is.  Free, captive labor is too good to pass up and there's nothing like two men (hubby and adult son) and a little man (our youngest son) to make a woman's landscape desires a reality.

OK ... obviously I need to vent some of my creativity on the 'puter or I really will run off my captive helpers.  LOL!  Aside from the fence we cleaned out around about a quarter of the pond then gave up.  That's going to require some professional help unless we wait until winter which is what we may do if I can't find a defoliant that actually works and doesn't at the same time kill everything in the pond and swamp and nearby plants like bananas and plantains.  I also got planted my variegated lemon (fruits look waaay funny), another guava, and another carambola (aka star fruit).  I have roughly a dozen or so more trees to plant including a Surinam cherry, a papaya, a new mango, and a mulberry as well as a bunch of citrus and fruiting tropical plants.  It is just too freaking hot though; it is only going down to 80 degrees tonight and the bugs just about want to carry you off and bleed you dry.  With all the mosquito born illnesses around these days I play it safe as much as possible but when you back up to a swamp ... kinda hard.

Missing my girls but they'll be back in a week.  It is weird being the only female in the house ... except for the dog.  Darth Molly.  Around 80 pounds of pure puppy.  I currently sport an odd, paw-shaped bruise on the top of my foot and another of the same shape on my shoulder.  There was a butterfly flying around my head and I suppose Molly thought it was simply faster to use my body as an express highway than it was to wait on the flying demon that was out to do harm to her family to come closer to the ground.  Ever been climbed by a black lab?  Interesting experience.  She almost made it.  Would have if I hadn't gone face first into the tarp full of compost.  Now my neighbors all know why I call that sweet, friendly, adorable, excitable sweet pea ... Darth, Dog of Death.  Oh well ... at least people got a good laugh out of it and I didn't have to do the dishes after dinner.  Good trade off ... could have done without the compost in bodily crevices but you can't have everything.

Now back to what everyone has been waiting on ... today's story additions:

Zombies Aren't Real ... Are They?!

Thornless Garden

Fractured Fairytale


Eidetic Sunshine

Up On Hartford Ridge


Enduring on the Lake


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Today's Updates - 26 Jul 2014

The following blogs have been updated with additions.  Tomorrow's additions might be kind of slim and if they are I may just save them until Monday to post.  I have an unbelievable amount of yard work to do tomorrow - planting some fruit trees and clearing some fence rows no to mention getting the two daughters still living at home off on a service trip at five in the AM ... yes, that is five in the morning.  Ugh. 
My husband thinks it might also be nice if we actually spend some time together doing something other than working.  LOL.  I like the sound of that so after yard work comes grilling some burgers for the guys and myself ... two sons are staying home ... and then looking forward to some down time.  Hope we get it and the business phone stays quiet.  When you sit at the desk where the buck stops you either answer the phone or the bucks might stop coming to your desk if you know what I mean.
Oh, I am also trying to incorporate some suggestions that have come my way via the comments section.  Mostly it has to do with font colors and size.  Hope this is helping with readability.  Anyway ... here are today's additions.
Zombies Aren't Real ... Are They?!
Enduring on the Lake

There's No Such Thing As A Thornless Garden

Fractured Fairytale


Eidetic Sunshine 

Up On Hartford Ridge


Larkspur in Eden  

My plan is to continue adding recipes to Mother Hen's Recipe blog to the tune of at least ten per day.  On some days I may not make it to ten and on other days I'm sure that I'll post a few more than that.  None of the recipes are spectacularly interesting right now but they are just what is coming out of the hat as I pick index cards up. 

Now, last but not least, some of you may have seen a section on the right sidebar of this blog titled More Good Reads.  I have links to other people's stories in this section and I know that there are other writers out there who might like a helloooooooo sent out to their own stories.  Well I don't mind sharing a link to someone's story or writer's blog/forum so if you would like to see it posted or you have a story blog to suggest just shoot me a comment and I'll try and add it within a day or two.


Friday, July 25, 2014

Today's Updates

Well per usual I didn't get as much finished as I wanted but I did get more done than I expected given how my day started.  LOL!  Below I've listed the stories that have received updates today. 
I have heard what some of you have said about the font types, sizes, and colors.  I'm taking a good second look and will be making adjustments.  What I see on my oversized computer screen is likely different from what some of you are seeing using a regular screen, apple product, smart phone, etc.  Not all of the adjustments got made today but I did take good note of what should be changed.
When All Doors Close - I hadn't even realized this story didn't have its own blog until a couple of days ago.  I'm editing it and will get it up asap.
Zombies Aren't Real ... Are They?!
Enduring on the Lake

There's No Such Thing As A Thornless Garden

Fractured Fairytale

Prologue is up.  Blog itself however still needs some enhancing.  The sidebar isn't finished but that won't prevent you from reading.

Eidetic Sunshine 

Up On Hartford Ridge


Larkspur in Eden  
And after I post this I'm going to slide on over to Mother Hen's Recipes and add some more there and will probably work on that the remainder of the night.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Today's Update

Pretty big update list today.  Lots of housekeeping going on through all of the blogs.  I hadn't realized how badly some of the blogs needed it.  I won't list all of what I've done because there is still lots left to do. Mostly it is adding blogs and links in the side bars and making the blogs more attractive and readable.
Now for the story updates ...
Life Is A Fractured Fairy Tale is up and the Prologue and Chapter 1 are available.
The story called Georgie is under construction.  This is a dystopian story set in the relative near-furture.  Georgie is the main character and has severe APD.
Eidetic Sunshine is the story of Daniella ... most people call her Danny.  The blog needs some work so is technically under construction but Chapter 1 is available for those interested.
Up On Hartford Ridge is the story of Kay-Lee.  She's never had it easy but the end of the world might just be her chance at a better life.  There's just some bumps in the road to get over first.  Chapters 1 and 2 are available. 
 Teaghan is another dystopian story of the near-future.  Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are now up.  Some of you may have read a draft of this story some years ago but the site that used to house it is not longer available so I'm reposting it on BlogSpot after editing it.

Linderhall Legacy is up-to-date and all 92 chapters are now available in one location.  Look here for when I announce that the last chapters have posted to complete the story. 

 Zombies Aren't Real ... Are They?! now has its own blog.  I had not realized how many typos and grammatical errors there were in the original post of the story.  Ugh.  There are also almost 150 chapters to date.  Double ugh.  I will get them up as fast as possible but it is, for obvious reasons, going to take some time.  Currently parts 1 through 16 are available.

Larkspur in Eden is another one that needs some editing as it is posted.  Chapter 1 has been edited and up at 

There Is No Such Thing As A Thornless Garden is another new story for most readers.  This one is a little different from my other stories so while for the most part still passes for YA fiction it does cover some very mature themes.  The story came to me during some work with our local homeless board on child trafficking.  The prologue is up.

 Enduring on the Lake is another story getting a facelift.  Structurally the blog is still under construction but Chapter 1 is ready for reading for those interested.

As always, you'll find the days' updates and announcements here at Mother Hen's Story Time Blogg.  Every day won't have this many additions but baring some kind of chaotic craziness going on in my life - or travel time - I hope to have one or two for you each day.  So subscribe to this blog so you don't have to hunt through each story to find out what is new.

And thanks for the great comments and suggestions I am getting.  Much appreciated.

Now last but not least I have finally started to add the various recipes that appear in my stories to Mother Hen's Recipes at  It is going to take me a month of Sundays to catch up but that's what spare time is for right?  LOL.  If you are just dying for a particular recipe and you can't find it, shoot me a comment and I'll be sure and bump that recipe to the top of the pile that I am posting.

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Story: Teaghan

I'm honestly not sure how many people have seen the story I call Teaghan.  I started a blog for it at .  I will add a new chapter to the blog every day or so as I am able to edit and proof read it.

Linderhall Legacy update ....

Linderhall Legacy is now posted up to Chapter 92 with some minor editing, proof-reading (probably missed some bloopers) and the addition of pictures for each chapter.  The story can be found at

Monday, July 21, 2014

Zombies Aren't Real ... Are They?!

Zombies Aren't Real ... Are They?!  is the next story to get its own blog.  It can be found at While the story is in the zombie genre it isn't the George Romero type.  These zombies aren't "undead" but are people infected with a virus that attacks their ability to control their hunger which also makes their metabolism go haywire.  It isn't the zombies however that are the focus of the story but the heroine Dee Dee.  She may be short, but she's all about surviving.

Yulee, Leda, and Fel ....

The blog for Larkspur in Eden has been started.  It can be found at  The main character's name is Yulee.  This story is post apocalyptic and occurs in a far flung future after a series of EOTWAWKI events.
This story occurs in the same universe as Fel By The Wayside and Linderhall Legacy though along a different part of the timeline.  Fel is complete and can be found at .   Linderhall is the story of the Leda Harper Linder and is almost complete.  The Linderhall Legacy can be found at .

Updates and Announcements

In the coming weeks there is will lots of updates to my story pages.  I've looked back at some of the blogs and they need major editing including updating the "story list" and other links.  To get the whole ball of wax started I'm posting Rain, Rain, Rain.  The story is complete but was badly in need of proof reading so it is going to take me a day or three to get all thirty-something chapters posted.  But for those that would like to read it I have it started at

In addition to the current story list on blogspot I'll be posting some other stories that haven't made it to the blog-o-shere yet.  Some have been posted in line, simply at other locations, and some have never seen the light of day outside my computer.  I'll also be finishing some that are "in progress" in various locations.

Sorry I've been away so long but I'm baaaack and plan on completing some much needed story time housekeeping.