Monday, September 16, 2019

Update # Who Knows? LOL

Just FYI to some people that have been nice enough to drop me a line ... the plan is to finish "Zombies Aren't Real, Are They?!" by the end of October.  An October surprise kind of thing.  LOL.  Other stories both at FanFiction and at FictionPress are rolling out and getting completed and the plan is to get one finished per month.  That may not always happen, especially during the holidays and during a month I travel, but even then I hope to make significant headway.

As you can see by the list on the right hand side of the blog (links to all of the stories both complete and in progress) I have a lot of work to do.  I'm editing the last few chapters of "Over and Over" and "Hartford" so they can both be finished sometime between now and end of November.  I'm not promising to complete anything in December but I will continue stories in progress and hopefully "Trash" will get close to finished by then if I do nothing else that month.

I took my parents on a bucket list trip in August and came back with a combo infection of Flu type B and some upper respiratory infection.  It put my dad in the hospital, triggered my mom's chronic bronchitis and COPD (that she'd had under control for almost two years), and laid waste to a couple of people in our house as well, primarily me and adult son who had to help with my dad when he collapsed and we had to call the EMTs.  Ugh.  I am just now finishing the last of this ever loving coughing.  My son is still in recovery mode.  Did I mention ugh?  Luckily no one else in the house came down with it so severely as I'd had disinfection protocols running hot, fast, and mean.  But that's time that I had to take from one place and use in another which is my latest excuse why I haven't updated nearly as often as I had been.

It also caused a pretty good reality check on my writing schedule.  I have it sketched out now in something more realistic and I will be posting something every day but Sunday (and sometimes Saturdays if I'm playing catch up); however, each story I am working on will probably only get posted to once (maybe twice) a week.  That gives me time for real life and business and the rest.  I also don't want to short change my high schooler who is the youngest and whom I oversee his education.

So I'm finding a realistic balance between my wants and my needs, with responsibilities taking priority while not ignoring the rest of it that keeps me human.  Sign up for updates at FF or FP … either by story or by author … and you'll receive an email when an update appears.  Thanks for understanding.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Do Me A Favor?

Do me a favor? I have a poll up at FictionPress at and the purpose is to see which stories people are MOST interested in seeing completed first. There are 13 options and you can choose up to 5 stories. I'll give it two weeks and then try and build a writing calendar from the data that comes in. If you do not see a story in the list it means that either it is already in my personal cue, if finished and being posted concurrent with the poll, or it is near the bottom of my to do stack and I just need to let it hang for a while longer but I will get to it. Thanks for participating. I have my own ideas but I'd like the readers' input as well.

Also, there are two new stories going up but they will go up slower, as in one new chapter a week. There are some others that I'm debating whether I'll start to post or not. I just need to keep everything organized.

Another question I have is whether readers would prefer for "Up On Hartford Ridge" to be moved from FanFiction to FictionPress. There are pros and cons to leaving it or moving it so this is another instance when I'd be willing to listen to readers' opinions.

New Story Direct Links:


Thanks for taking the time to read.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Updates ...

I mentioned in the last blog post that I would try and create a comprehensive index of the stories and their locations.  Someone else also asked me to start a character index.  The first is certainly going to be easier to do than the second, but I think it might be useful even for me, though how to format it will take some thought.

I'm also trying to figure out how to save the Character Index as its own page here on Blogger.  This index is going to cover everything from both FanFiction to FictionPress to those that haven't been moved off of Blogger yet and possibly even introductions to stories that are still being outlined.  It sounds like a mess of work so it might have to be one of those "in progress" projects that get worked on as I find the time.

I have managed to update all of the links on the right side of the page so they go directly to the active copy of each story.  Despite being alphabetical, it still looks messy.  I'm working on that problem but I'm a little limited by the formatting here on blogger.

Below is an updated list of the stories that is less mess but no links.

I've had a couple of people ask me about the "CSI" stories.  Well they are pure fanfiction written just to please me.  No big deal if they aren't your cup of tea.  They just helped me get through a creative dry spell.   


CSI: Miami Series:
Episode 1: As Good As He Once Was (COMPLETE) -
Episode 2: Every Mile A Memory (COMPLETE) -

CSI: New York Series:
Episode 1: Missing Heart (COMPLETE) -
Episode 2: Rules of Engagement (COMPLETE) -
Episode 3: Buried Above Ground (COMPLETE) -
Episode 4: Bridget Over Troubled Water (on hiatus due to co-author's schedule) -
Episode 5: The Haunted Theater (in progress) -
A Study in Ginger (COMPLETE) - Fanfiction

Dystopian Series:
The following books are a trilogy. Each of the three can be read as a stand alone story but they all take place in the same AU, just at different points along the timeline. Their order is "Larkspur in Eden," "Fel By the Wayside," and lastly "The Linder Legacy." There is another story in this series tentatively titled "Evie and Tate" that I hope to get posted this summer after finishing Larkspur. That will change the series into a Quad.
Larkspur in Eden (In progress) -
Fel By The Wayside (COMPLETE) -
The Linder Legacy (COMPLETE) -

Zombie Stories:
Journal of the Zombie Years (in progress) -
Zombies Aren't Real ... Are They?! (in progress) -
Emi on the Caloosahatchee (in progress) -

All Other Stories in Alphabetical Order Regardless of Location
A Bunch of Wild Thyme (in progress) -
A Girl Called Jack - (in progress) -
All Roads Lead Somewhere (in progress) -
And the Geek Shall Inherit the Earth - (COMPLETE) -
Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men (COMPLETE) -
Carry On (in progress) -
Dark Days (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
Eidetic Sunshine (in progress) -
Enduring on the Lake (in progress) -
Forsaken Harvest - (COMPLETE) -
Georgie (COMPLETE) -
Gurl - (in progress) -
Il Agita di Amore (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
Life is a Fractured Fairytale - (in progress) -
Over the Mountains and Through the Fire - (COMPLETE) -
Rain, Rain, Rain (COMPLETE, being edited and reposted) -
Starting Over … and Over and Over (in progress) -
Teaghan (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
There Is No Such Thing As A Thornless Garden (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
This Is Me Surviving (COMPLETE) -
To All Things There Is A Season - (In progress) -
Trash to Treasure - (in progress) -
Up On Hartford Ridge (in progress) -
When All Doors Close (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
Will To Survive (COMPLETE) -
Yelyseveta Book 1 (COMPLETE) -
Yelyseveta Book 2 (in progress) -

Friday, June 7, 2019

Vacation Time Is Over ... For Now

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go ...

I think I've finally recovered from our adventures in May, gotten all the laundry finished, and all the rest of the yada yada caught up.  I'm still categorizing and filing the pictures and postcards but to me that's fun.  Our youngest was at one summer camp and just came back yesterday.  He's helping with another camp starting Monday for a week.  Then a week after that he is going to Boy Scout camp for another week.  And then the first week of July he and my husband leave for two weeks in the outback at one of the Boy Scout high adventure camps as they hike around and do manly stuff.  LOL   One of my daughters is now part time manager at both of the retail stores she works at and is taking in more babysitting jobs.  All this to save up for school this fall when she'll have to give up at list one of those jobs.  My other daughter still at home starts her Internship for microbiology this summer.  And my oldest son is job hunting again after taking a hiatus and working with us full time.  All this to say my help is flying the nest and it looks like my idea of job sharing so I could get more projects completed may not come to pass.

However, I am determined.  LOL  I have my list and I'm sticking to it.  ROFL!

Just to let you know, this is the progress I am making on the stories:

Starting Over and Over and Over
Being edited and posted at FictionPress

Veta Book 1
Completed and posted at FictionPress 

Veta Book 2
After a lot of thought and the characters banging away at me I have most of the outline written already.  As I write, edit, and post you can find the story at FictionPress

Up On Hartford Ridge
Being edited, is partially up on FanFiction

The following stories will soon see daylight at FictionPress:
Enduring on the Lake
Rain, Rain, Rain
Trash to Treasure (something no one has seen yet)

More notes:
  • I'm trying to decide whether to leave Up On Hartford Ridge up at FanFiction or move it to FictionPress.  There are pros and cons to both and I haven't made a final decision yet.  That is the next story that I am going to complete, along with Starting Over and Veta Book 2.  It will probably be a race between which character nudges me the hardest along the way.  I'm shooting for the beginning of August for at least two of the three but no promises.  Life can get crazy real fast so we'll have to see.
  • I'll be moving others off of their blogger pages to FictionPress as soon as I can but it will be a piece at a time as I try and write and edit during the process.
  • I'm trying really hard to figure out which ones that I will complete after "Hartford" but if I say one, undoubtedly it will wind up being a different one.  Who knows?  I might even do a poll to see which one will come next after I get this next few off of my plate.  But I'm not going to put that pressure on myself until I'm a little closer to being able to implement it.
  • I have a lot of partially written stories that haven't ever been published.  Some of them keep singing out and I'll write a chapter of them here and there.  I'm debating posting them on FictionPress but haven't decided yet.  Part of me would rather leave them hidden until the others are all completed but I don't know.  I have decided to post Trash to Treasure but may not post any of the others any time soon.  I'm back and forth on that too much.

So, that's it in a nutshell.  I will try and post something every day except Sunday which most of the time I am going to take as my day off.  I may post on Sundays but don't count on it.  And it won't be every story every day.  When a character bangs away at me I try and listen but the God's honest truth is there are not enough hours in the day to get my real life responsibilities complete, sometimes writing just has to take a back seat.

For those once again not able to find the new locations here they are:

FanFiction (index of my stories there)
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the active links for each story.  The story with the most recent addition will be at the top.

FictionPress (index of my stories there)
Same as with FanFiction, just scroll to the bottom of the page to find the active links for each story.  The story with the most recent addition will be at the top.

Next time I'll try and post all of the direct links for all of the stories that I have published right now.  However, that requires some formatting I don't have time for tonight.  Or, I might go through and update all of the links on the side of the page.  Or I might do both.  Depends on my real life work giving me a break.

For now, feel free to sing out and ask a question if you have one.  I'll try and answer as soon as I can.  I know I owe some people emails and PMs.  Just a matter of finishing them and doing more than hoping they make sense before I hit the send button.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

May Be A Slight Delay

Hi Everyone!

I have been feverishly trying to get stories edited and posted over at FictionPress and FanFiction.  Unfortunately I haven't been able to go as fast as I have wanted.  I had a little trouble with OneDrive not syncing properly as I moved between machines and as I tried to fix it, I missed some pretty egregious mistakes.  Sorry about that.

Veta's story is almost finished.  I only have about five more chapters but they are complicated chapters requiring a little extra editing and removing scrips and things like that.  However, I am also going out of town starting tomorrow and my internet time will be limited.  I hope to get it completed as soon as possible but there may be a blank day between posts … and that's assuming I can get on line from where I am going.

As soon as I do finish with Veta's story I am going to finish up Starting Over and from there get back to some of the older stories that need updating and completing.  I am in the process of trying to set outlines and a schedule that doesn't burn me out and works with my real world/real life.

I want to thank everyone for their encouragement and forbearance.  If I have a chance, again depends on connectivity, I'll try and post some pictures here.  It might be when I get back which will be about the 25th of the month.


Mother Hen

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Spring Is In The Air

Spring has sprung in my neck of the woods.  We reached 90 degrees F several times this week.  Felt good.  Warm and inviting with the worst of the humidity holding off.  My confederate jasmine hedge is in full bloom and smells divine.  And what does all that mean?  Spring cleaning.

We are finally getting around to doing something with the lanai.  After nine years in this house its about time don't ya think?  We had a patio table out there.  The bar has a few beat up stools around it.  But the majority of the large space was just sort of meh with plastic chairs and loungers put out when we needed them.  But hubby and I decided to stop putting so many things on the back burner or by the time we got around to them there would be no time left to enjoy them.  We purchased patio furniture.  Big commitment for us.  LOL  What was nice was I didn't even have to set it up, our fifteen year old wanted to earn some money.  Wahoo.  Now I just have to do the finishing touches.  Which may or may not happen in the next decade or so.  (insert eye roll here)

Older son's trees have come back which is a little surprising for a couple of the varieties he is trying. Last year we had a couple of baby apples but they didn't survive to maturity.  Maybe this year, though the blooms were a little lackluster. The blueberries are going gangbusters as well, requiring a wire cage around the bed because of all the critters that come out of the swamp. And I have about a dozen Ponderosa Lemons sitting on the kitchen counter that I need to do something with; probably juice and then dry the peel as we are fond of lemon-pepper seasoning on things.

Middle daughter will start her microbiology internship this fall.  Some of the stuff they do in the lab is just … ew.  LOL  She's happy and we're happy for her but it is going to mean I have less help around the house which I suppose in a sense is as it should be as they grow up and out on their own.  Hopefully she will be able to continue to do all of the business filing for us.  That is one thing I don't want to take back but will if I must.    

And next daughter down currently works four jobs … a clothing store, a shoe store, and two child care related jobs … that gives her at least 50 hours a week.  She took the spring off from school and had a summer mission trip planned but it fell through due to things out of her control.  She's tried to plan several other projects for the summer but nothing has panned out so she's thinking she should make hay while the sun shines (earn money) as she will be back in school this fall and hopes to start nursing school in the Spring.  Not sure if she'll be living at home or have to move at that point.  We're just taking it one day at a time.

The fifteen year old … good gravy.  Between last summer and this one he has grown nearly a foot.  But while most boys wind up a "stork" after that kind of growth spurt, he's fully formed and looks more like a young college student than a freshman in high school.  And yes, the girls have noticed.  How did that happen to my baby?  I can see him cringing at the very thought I'd say something like that.  LOL.  I have a couple of more years of home school and then he'll be on his way and I'll close a chapter in my life that will have lasted three decades.  Whew, been a long time coming.

Hubby and I have something special planned for our 31st Anniversary next month.  I'll let you know more as it gets closer.  We are excited.

Now for news on the writing front ...

I've started to migrate the stories off of blogger.  I'm happy to see (by the stats) that people are reading.  The comments being posted are always welcome.  A great big gob of thanks and appreciation going out to those folks!

My last post I c-n-p'd the list of all of the stories, where they are going to be at, and what stage they are in.  Have only had a little time this week to spare for the editing and migration but I was able to get a bit of a structured plan in place.  I'm going to migrate the stories over to FictionPress (and some that are already on FanFiction) first; except for Veta's story which I am editing and posting which should be finished the first week or so of May if all goes as planned.  In May I hope to put the finishing touches to "Starting Over" and get it posted.  In June I am leaning towards finishing "Hartford Ridge" but I'll have to see where the muse leads me as I have a couple of unpublished stories that keep asking for attention as well.  Anyway, here are the stories I've moved thus far:

A Girl Called Jack (posted up to Ch 10, but has 19 in the que)

A Bunch of Wild Thyme (posted up to Ch 20, but has 93 in the que)

Emi on the Caloosahatchee (posted up to Ch 30, in progress)

Gurl (posted up to Ch 38, in progress)

Life is a Fractured Fairytale (posted up to Ch 21, in progress)

Yelyseveta (posted to Ch 209, in progress)
Veta's story is complete on my side of things but I'm having to edit it extensively to get it posted onto FictionPress.  It is a slow process as I made the mistake of using some fancy formatting in Word and when I change one thing it messes up something else.  I'm going to post this story on weekdays and give myself the weekends to get the editing done, and hopefully get it done correctly.  As I have it planned out everything should be posted by the first week of May give or take a day or two.

I am making no promises because real life happens but if my plan works out I hope to finish at least a half dozen of the "in progress" stories by the end of the year.  That is asking a lot of myself so depending on my commitments to family and our business that could very well change but it is a goal I have set for myself.  At least I'm going to try.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Update on the Migration of Stories

Well, it is taking me longer to edit Veta's story than I thought.  How on earth can you read something a gazillion times and yet right as you go to post it you find at least one more typo of some type.  Honestly.  But at least I have 192 of the chapters up so far.  I'm going to take the weekend off - heap loads of family stuff to take care of.

As for the migration of the other stories, I think I've finally managed to get a handle on everything I have going.  Or at least the stories that have been posted online thus far.  I have updated my Introduction page of and hope next week to do the same for but if you are interested here the basic outline that I'm currently working with:


Gonna start trying to migrate all of my stories here from Blogger. It will take some time and that's a fact but I'll at least get a start on it. I'll update this as I go but basically here is the full list of stories currently online, in alphabetical order by story or series, and where they are at. Note: I use the same name on as I do here. Just look my author page up in the search box. There are also a couple of other partially completed stories but I won't post them until I get some of these completed.

CSI: Miami Series:
Episode 1: As Good As He Once Was (COMPLETE) -
Episode 2: Every Mile A Memory (COMPLETE) -
CSI: New York Series:
Episode 1: Missing Heart (COMPLETE) -
Episode 2: Rules of Engagement (COMPLETE) -
Episode 3: Buried Above Ground (COMPLETE) -
Episode 4: Bridget Over Troubled Water (on hiatus due to co-author's schedule) -
Episode 5: The Haunted Theater (in progress) -
A Study in Ginger (COMPLETE) - Fanfiction

Dystopian Series:
The following books are a trilogy. Each of the three can be read as a stand alone story but they all take place in the same AU, just at different points along the timeline. Their order is "Larkspur in Eden," "Fel By the Wayside," and lastly "The Linder Legacy." There is another story in this series tentatively titled "Evie and Tate" that I hope to get posted this summer after finishing Larkspur. That will change the series into a Quad.

Larkspur in Eden (In progress) -
Fel By The Wayside (COMPLETE) -
The Linder Legacy (COMPLETE) -

Zombie Stories:
Journal of the Zombie Years (in progress) -
Zombies Aren't Real ... Are They?! (in progress) -
Emi on the Caloosahatchee (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon

All Other Stories in Alphabetical Order Regardless of Location
A Bunch of Wild Thyme (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
A Girl Called Jack - (in progress) -
All Roads Lead Somewhere (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
And the Geek Shall Inherit the Earth - (COMPLETE) -
Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men (COMPLETE) - migrating from blogger soon
Carry On (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
Dark Days (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
Eidetic Sunshine (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
Enduring on the Lake (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
Forsaken Harvest - (COMPLETE) -
Georgie (COMPLETE) - migrating from blogger soon
Gurl - (in progress) -
Il Agita di Amore (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
Life is a Fractured Fairytale - (in progress) -
Over and Over and Over (in progress) - posting soon
Over the Mountains and Through the Fire - (COMPLETE) -
Rain, Rain, Rain (COMPLETE) - migrating from blogger soon
Teaghan (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
There Is No Such Thing As A Thornless Garden (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
This Is Me Surviving (COMPLETE) -
To All Things There Is A Season - (In progress) -
Up On Hartford Ridge (in progress) -
When All Doors Close (in progress) - migrating from blogger soon
Will To Survive (COMPLETE) -
Yelyseveta (in progress) -


Tonight I migrated Winx's story (Life is a Fractured Fairytale).  It is still in progress but I did add chapter 21 for anyone interested.  I'm not sure which one I will finish migrating next but as I migrate them the chapters will disappear from blogger with only a place holder page referencing the new location.  I will keep this blog page for posting updates and as a back up just in case.  You always need a just in case plan.

Thanks to everyone reading and commenting at FictionPress as well as those that have found the stuff at FanFiction.  I'll continue updating about once a week to let everyone know where things stand.


Friday, March 15, 2019

Poor Siobhan

Some people have way too much time on their hands.  Over at FictionPress someone using the ID of Siobhan01 made a post and dash criticizing because all of my free stories haven't been finished.  So they've followed me from here to TB and now to FictionPress all to make some kind of point?  It is possible that they are also the one that plaigerized some of my work.  Either way, just be on the look out.

They like to post without accepting responses.  We have a forum for authors at FP and FF and I'm putting their ID on the watchlists.  This childish nonsense is almost too silly for words.  I can guess where they are from as can anyone else that knows the history of certain forums but I'm not wasting my time.  I've already explained as much as I'm going to.

Sorry to sound snippy but things like this is what I was referring to when I posted in another area about people being just craptiastic.  Oh well, they must be a pretty miserable person to have to take time out of their day to stir the stinky brown stuff when they are getting something for free.  They could always choose not to read but that might be too mature an action for them to take.  A lot of people like that in the world.

But, to keep this from ending on a sour note, I have over 100 of the chapters for "Y" already in the queue with the formatting set so that FP will post it correctly.  At five or so chapters a day posted, maybe more, I hope to clear enough of the backlog so I can get back to the rewrites of the other stories that I messed up over this last year.  Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel

Yes, it has been a while since I updated this blog.  There's reasons.  Mostly life has been extremely difficult in some areas that required me to re-prioritize my time.  It meant pulling way back from the internet and social media.  It also meant having less time to write in a consistent fashion even if I did it off-line.  And it meant that what writing I did, turned too dark and graphic for me to want to share it.  While I won't say that things have definitely turned a corner, I can at least say that I'm beginning to manage all of the adjustment reactions in a healthier way.  

My friends can put their mind at rest, there is no problem with my marriage or business.  The fires have indeed forged a strong sword.  My health has also improved though there are the daily challenges to accept the aging process the same way it is for everyone else that is being honest about it.  It's mostly other family stuff and just people being people and doing what people do regardless of the consequences.  The kind of things you just can't share online.

One thing for the moment however is that I've had to put some of the in-progress stories on hold.  The genre and subject matter just pulled me mentally in the wrong direction.  I've been giving some other genres a try and it has helped.

I will finish the other stories, or that is to say that I finished several of them but I am not happy at all with how dark and depressing they went so I am editing them as time allows to hopefully fix the overshadowing my real life did to my writing.

The other thing I need to mention is that over the next couple of months I am going to be migrating all of my stories from blogger/blogspot to and because blogger just hasn't been working for me lately.  I will keep this blog up but you can find m stories at:

Both of the sites you can subscribe to me as an author, or to a story in particular.  If you subscribe to me as an author you'll need to do it for both websites and you'll get notifications whenever I add something new.  If you subscribe to a particular story you'll only get notifications for that particular story.  You can also leave comments at the end of each chapter, same as with blogger/blogspot.  It is a very streamlined, trimmed-down set up, meaning there are no real graphics or links in the stories.  For some that will be great news as they only want the story and nothing but the story as they find anything else distracting.  Navigation for each story is really easy as well.

The story I am currently working on is different than all of my other stories I've shared on blogger, out of personal necessity.  

Part drama, part adventure, part coming of age, part lots of things including stories ripped from today's headlines. Veta, a twenty-three-year-old woman, becomes a traveling tutor for nine-year-old Frankie. In the process she grows up even more than her student does. (Note: some language here and there but nothing gratuitous.)

The story is a long one that practically wrote itself since Christmas.  But because FictionPress doesn't allow graphics or varied fonts and certain formatting options, I am having to edit it before posting to strip out all of the gobbledygook that FP doesn't recognize.  In the end the drama dovetails back towards what everyone is used to me writing, it just takes a while to get there.  I will add several chapters each day … but they aren't 10,000 word chapters.  I learned that lesson at least.  LOL

I will try and update this blog as my time and other stuff allows.  For instance, I just pulled the last of the Ponderosa lemons and native carambolas (star fruit) from the trees here in the yard.  I need to get the last of the loquats off the trees before the birds get them all. My son's roses and young apple trees are doing really well and we may actually gets some apples this year as long as the summer isn't brutal and we can avoid another round of hurricanes. The next few weeks … months (through July anyway) … my focus will be on some serious decluttering.  I've done it before but the time has come to be really brutal about it and not due to that new Asian fad that if you don't love something give it to someone who will.  Ugh.  I just need to declutter because I don't want to leave my kids with this houseful of "stuff" to decide what to do with.  I am also tired of tripping over twenty-plus years of business records in the garage and barn.  And I am sharing my LTS canned goods with my parents, helping them to deal with an ever shrinking budget.

For now I must get back to real life … finding tenants, dealing with paperwork, teaching high school, guitar lessons, prepping to finish up the Chemistry merit badge without a troop of boys tonight, and tackling way more laundry than should be humanly acceptable considering I just did five loads yesterday.  

Drop me a comment or here, or comment or PM on FictionPress or FanFiction, if you are so inclined and I'll talk to you all later.