Sorry for missing yesterday but I was exhausted. Today hasn't been much better but I did manage to get a little bit written. The day started off fine but as the damp cold and rain settled in all I wanted to do was crawl into a corner somewhere and sleep. Didn't get to. Wanted to. The war in my brain pretty much made sure that I've got mush floating around up in my skull. Ugh.
Of course I woke up for a bit when Darth Molly and Pippin the Nightmare Cat accidentally on purpose sent me tip over teakettle into the pool. My ears are still draining ... and I think there is some brain coming out with the water. Molly just doesn't seem to get the concept that Pippin is not a dog and has no interest in being the friend of a dog. He tolerates the dog - most of the time. He'll even allow the dog to sleep on the same bed or other space as he. But most definitely draws the line at sharing his food. And for some reason the dog seems to think that cat food is her dessert. The problem is that when Molly eats Pippin's food she gets hyper. So you can guess what happened. The dog chased the cat. The cat ran to me and then between my legs trying to avoid becoming the dog's play toy. The dog tried to run through my legs after the cat but I was already dancing the merengue trying to avoid stepping on the cat's fluffy tail and instead stepped on the dog's head who then yelped and popped up and in the process knocked one leg out from under me. My daughter said it looked like some kind of weird, spastic ballet because when one leg flew in one direction I pirouetted in the other direction ... that just happened to be at the edge of the pool and ... SPLASH!!
Of course the girls were horrified and ran to help me while the eleven year old couldn't stop howling in glee that mom fell in the pool. I wanted to ring his tail as much, if not more, than I wanted to ring the tails of the two so-called pets we have. Argh. But of course eleven year old boys have always found the strangest and most inconvenient things funny since the beginning of time and that will continue to be true until the end of time. Oh well. I dried. But now I'm pretty much ensconced at my desk, with a heater at my feet, a cup of chamomile tea on a coaster nearby, and a quilt draped across my shoulders. I'm cozy but tired.
I'm going to take advantage of another slow writing day and rest up and finish the re-read on Larkspur in Eden and get going on the new chapters for it tomorrow. I also have a lot of household chores to work on but the girls are going to give me a hand with those. Next week the plan is to go to our "retirement home" and mark some more trees that need to come out for some projects we want to get busy with this summer. The trees that will come out are going to get cut into lengths and set to cure for next year's fireplace fuel.
Today's story additions ...
Zombies Aren't Real ... Are They?!
A Bunch of Wild Thyme
I know it isn't much but it's all I had in me today. As for rereading Larkspur in Eden I ran across some interesting research I did a couple of years back on wilderness medicine. I thought you would enjoy this vid and it would remind you of that particular part of the story.
Using balsam fir resin during burn treatment