Monday, September 16, 2019

Update # Who Knows? LOL

Just FYI to some people that have been nice enough to drop me a line ... the plan is to finish "Zombies Aren't Real, Are They?!" by the end of October.  An October surprise kind of thing.  LOL.  Other stories both at FanFiction and at FictionPress are rolling out and getting completed and the plan is to get one finished per month.  That may not always happen, especially during the holidays and during a month I travel, but even then I hope to make significant headway.

As you can see by the list on the right hand side of the blog (links to all of the stories both complete and in progress) I have a lot of work to do.  I'm editing the last few chapters of "Over and Over" and "Hartford" so they can both be finished sometime between now and end of November.  I'm not promising to complete anything in December but I will continue stories in progress and hopefully "Trash" will get close to finished by then if I do nothing else that month.

I took my parents on a bucket list trip in August and came back with a combo infection of Flu type B and some upper respiratory infection.  It put my dad in the hospital, triggered my mom's chronic bronchitis and COPD (that she'd had under control for almost two years), and laid waste to a couple of people in our house as well, primarily me and adult son who had to help with my dad when he collapsed and we had to call the EMTs.  Ugh.  I am just now finishing the last of this ever loving coughing.  My son is still in recovery mode.  Did I mention ugh?  Luckily no one else in the house came down with it so severely as I'd had disinfection protocols running hot, fast, and mean.  But that's time that I had to take from one place and use in another which is my latest excuse why I haven't updated nearly as often as I had been.

It also caused a pretty good reality check on my writing schedule.  I have it sketched out now in something more realistic and I will be posting something every day but Sunday (and sometimes Saturdays if I'm playing catch up); however, each story I am working on will probably only get posted to once (maybe twice) a week.  That gives me time for real life and business and the rest.  I also don't want to short change my high schooler who is the youngest and whom I oversee his education.

So I'm finding a realistic balance between my wants and my needs, with responsibilities taking priority while not ignoring the rest of it that keeps me human.  Sign up for updates at FF or FP … either by story or by author … and you'll receive an email when an update appears.  Thanks for understanding.